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Telemarketing scams and fraud

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2022 | White Collar Crimes |

Telemarketing might not be the newest sales strategy, but it continues to support campaigns produced by startups and established companies. Regrettably, many unethical telemarketing campaigns attempt to separate people from their money. Outright telemarketing scams in Louisiana might seek to cheat people or procure personal information.

Telemarketing scams continue

While many people don’t listen to unwelcome and unsolicited sales pitches, others may find an offer worth considering. Unfortunately, they provide credit card information to someone with no intention of delivering a product. The entire phone call and pitch served as a ruse.

Other scams might be more elaborate, such as callers claiming to be from a tech company’s antivirus division. The scammers might convince the computer owner to allow access to the system, opening doors to identity theft. Or, they could request payment for a nonexistent solution to an equally nonexistent problem.

Anyone who receives an unsolicited sales call may need to be alert about dubious offers. Ironically, some criminal telemarketing fraud charges might be questionable, too.

Criminal telemarketing fraud charges

Fraud-related white-collar crimes come with serious penalties. Those convicted of fraud might receive significant fines and even lengthy prison sentences. Sometimes, criminal investigations commence when someone claims fraud or authorities become suspicious of activities.

Not all businesses can keep up with demand, and some smaller enterprises might run short on cash flow. These issues may lead to delays in shipping products or meeting obligations. Fraud claims might follow, but they may be overstated. Still, claims could lead to criminal investigations and possible charges.

Intent plays a significant role in fraud charges. When the prosecutor cannot prove intent, proof beyond a reasonable doubt might be elusive. Negligence may get a telemarketer in trouble, but negligence is not necessarily criminal.
