On Wednesday, Baton Rouge Police arrested a teenager accused of being involved in a shooting which resulted in the severe injury of the 15-year-old son a Metro Councilman. The boy was reportedly injured last Friday, when according to court documents, two teens robbed him and two of his friends at gunpoint.
The 18-year-old arrested on Wednesday has since been charged with armed robbery, one count of accessory after the fact to attempted first-degree murder and one count of possession of marijuana.
On Tuesday, police arrested a 16-year-old body and placed him in a local detention center on one count of attempted first-degree murder and three counts of attempted armed robbery.
The body was reportedly shot in the chest after he and his friends, 15 and 17 years old, went to purchase marijuana. The 18-year-old defendant allegedly set up the deal and had spoken with one of the victims on a cell phone beforehand.
The injury apparently occurred when the victims’ vehicle turned a street corner at the direction of defendant. He and the 16-year-old defendant allegedly entered the victims’ back seat and held up a gun, demanding money. While two of the victims reportedly escaped, one of them was unable to get out of the car. After handing over some cash to the defendants, two shots were fired inside the car, one of which hit the victim in his upper chest.
According to police records, the 17-year-old friend of one the victim called police and reported the incident, noting that he had been driving his vehicle in the neighborhood when somebody shot at his vehicle.
The victim apparently identified the 18-year-old defendants out of a lineup while recovering at a hospital.
The charges against the young man in this case are serious, and could affect his life in numerous ways if not dismissed. It is important for anybody accused of criminal charges to seek out competent representation to ensure their rights are protected.
Source: The Advocate, “Another arrest in Loupe shooting,” Naomi Martin, February 9, 2012.