A man who was involved in a deadly crash in which at least one vehicle burst into flames was convicted of vehicular homicide in July of 2014. The accident happened out on the I-10 interstate, between Baton Rouge and Prairieville, in Louisiana. The man was facing five counts – one for each person who died in the accident – and he was convicted on all of those counts. It only took the jury around 90 minutes to come up with their verdict.
According to sources, the accident was spurred by a game of chase that two drivers were playing on the interstate. The man, who was intoxicated at the time, could not control his pickup truck. It flew off of the roadway, went over the median between the westbound and eastbound lanes, and jumped up onto the other side of the highway. There, the truck slammed into a car coming the opposite direction.
Inside that car were five people: A 29-year-old driver, a 19-year-old passenger, and three children who were ages three, seven, and eleven. They were all killed when the cars collided and in the fire that sprang up as a result of that collision.
The man who was driving the pickup is 32 years old. He could see as many as 30 years or as few as five years for each count of vehicular manslaughter. He will find out what his exact sentence will be on the 26th of August.
Even when someone is convicted of drunk driving and related charges, they still need to fully understand their legal rights under local laws so that they can ensure that they are given a fair sentence that fits with the crime.
Source: Source: Nola, “Mother’s fiancé indicted in murder of 12-year-old girl in St. James Parish,” Emily Lane, July 9, 2014