Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

80 Years Of Combined Trial Experience

Legal defense for all areas of sex crimes

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2015 | Firm News, Sex Offenses |

Sex crimes are a very significant portion of the criminal law umbrella, not only because of how often the crimes occur, but also because of how many different types of sex crimes there are. Many different crimes qualify as sex crimes, and each crime carries different penalties and different circumstances, which can affect the outcome of a case. Enlisting the aid of an attorney can help you defend yourself from whatever your charges may be with a defense that is specific to your case.

Perhaps the most well-known sex crime is sexual assault and its many variations. Rape, aggravated sexual assault and sexual battery are all instances in which one person is accused of forcing unwanted sexual contact onto another person. Some sex crimes have strong evidence, but others have less evidence, which can be problematic if the case devolves into a case of he said/she said.

Of course, there are other types of sex crimes which an individual may be accused of. The advent of the Internet has added other issues that individuals may have to face if they are accused of sex crimes, particularly because of the Web saving history and visited Web pages. Crimes such as child pornography can be extremely devastating because of this. For example, if you purchase a pre-owned computer, and the computer’s hard-drive has child pornography on it from the previous owner, you could be in serious legal trouble if someone else discovers this content before you do.

If you are accused of any sex crime in Louisiana, whether it is rape or child pornography, it is imperative that you seek legal defense. The penalties for a sex-crime conviction are incredibly steep, and evidence is not always extremely substantial. Enlisting the aid of an attorney can help you build a solid case in your defense that may be just what you need to avoid being convicted of a crime you did not commit.
