Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

80 Years Of Combined Trial Experience

More than one dozen Memorial weekend deaths on Louisiana roads

On Behalf of | Jun 6, 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News |

Memorial Day means a long weekend. Ideally, it means a chance to relax and spend time with family, soak up the sunshine and remember those that have laid their lives down for the freedoms we appreciate daily. However, this Memorial day weekend also meant an increase in traffic on Louisiana roads and an increase in fatal car accidents.

It’s unfortunate that the holidays coincide with greater roadway traffic and fatal accidents. Last year there were 12 fatalities over the Memorial weekend. This year troopers said they made more than 100 arrests based on suspicion of driving while drunk. Whether alcohol contributed to any of the 14 fatalities seen in nine separate accidents this year, has not been verified.

Holiday arrests can be tricky. They are more common; that is undisputed. However, is that because more people are drinking and driving or law enforcement has put up more checkpoints, staffed more officers and is on the lookout and are more likely to make an arrest based on increased suspicions.

If you have been arrested for drunk driving and feel your arrest was unsubstantiated, you may have an argument for having any charges brought against you dropped. You probably would not be able to explore this outcome without the counsel of a Louisiana criminal defense attorney. If you drove drunk and in doing so, someone was killed, you may benefit from saying nothing until you have your criminal defense attorney there to speak on your behalf and represent your best interests as the charges you face are likely very substantial.

Source: 973TheDawg.com, “14 Die On Louisiana Roads Over Memorial Day,” Bruce Mikells, June 1, 2016
