Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

80 Years Of Combined Trial Experience

Elements that constitute a forgery offense

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2016 | Firm News, White Collar Crimes |

Forgery may be defined as the act of faking a signature or an entire document with the intent of deceiving or earning a profit. A forged document is often called a false document. Copying other people’s original work like art, music or other productions is also classified as forgery.

If you have been accused of forgery, it is likely that the prosecution will charge you with fraud. In most cases, the documents being forged include identity documents, contracts, bank statements or legal authorization certificates. Copying another person’s signature is the most common example of forgery. People may use another person’s signature to sign checks, contracts of legal documents. The act of forging money is called counterfeiting and it has completely different repercussions.

The most important detail in forgery cases is the fact that the intent to deceive must be proven. Typically, you will not be charged with forgery unless the prosecution has proof that you intended to deceive someone for your own personal gain. Forged documents and contracts might lead to financial gain for the perpetrator.  Another type of forgery is the copying of another person’s work. This could include art work, music, film or photography. But even in such cases, the person who copies the original work must be using it to deceive buyers and making money through the sales.

If you have been charged with forgery, contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. The attorney will devise a strong defense strategy for you and give you a chance to beat the charges.
