Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

80 Years Of Combined Trial Experience

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2017 | Drunk Driving, Firm News |

Americans throughout the country, including Baton Rouge, Louisiana, love to celebrate. In January it was New Year’s Eve. In February we have the Super Bowl, and right around the corner here in March we have Saint Patrick’s Day. While many traditional Irish folks like to celebrate it with corned beef, cabbage and Irish soda bread, for many others it is just a good reason to dress in green, maybe watch a local parade, and head out for to the local Irish watering hole or party for some celebrating.

In the United States, the courts take drunk driving offenses very seriously. Not only are you jeopardizing the health and well-being of yourself and passengers in the car with you, but everyone else on the roads as well, including pedestrians. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for many people who have had too much to drink to still get behind the wheel, putting everyone’s lives at risk.

In an effort to minimize drunk driving, it is not uncommon for local and even county or state authorities to set up checkpoints to look for drunk drivers, especially during the holidays. They may stop all cars going past, question the driver, and if there is a suspicion of alcohol, conduct a field sobriety test or do a field breath test to determine the driver’s level of sobriety.

Driving while intoxicated comes with many severe penalties, including but not limited to a license revocation, stiff fines, and possibly mandatory additional penalties including prison time, and the installation of an ignition interlock device. You will also face additional insurance surcharges stemming from the DUI conviction. It is in your best interest, if facing such charges, to protect yourself and your future by finding a strong defense team to work with you in the courts.
