Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

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What are examples of insurance fraud in Louisiana?

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2023 | White Collar Crimes |

In the vast and intricate world of insurance, a small but notable subset of individuals seek to exploit the system for personal gain. Insurance fraud is not only illegal but also drives up costs for honest policyholders. In fact, the FBI reported that insurance fraud costs consumers roughly $40 billion each year, which drives up the yearly costs for the average family in the United States anywhere from $400 to $700.

Louisiana witnesses its share of insurance fraud cases, which can range from simple exaggerations to elaborate schemes. Understanding the various forms of insurance fraud can help you remain vigilant and ensure the integrity of your dealings.

Exaggerating claims

One of the more common types of insurance fraud involves inflating the actual value of a claim. For instance, after a minor car accident, you might want to report more damage than what actually occurred to get a higher payout. This act constitutes fraud and can lead to severe repercussions if discovered.

Staging accidents

Some individuals go to great lengths, intentionally causing accidents or incidents to claim insurance money. In the realm of auto insurance, for example, one might deliberately cause a car crash and then file a claim, asserting it was an accident.

False medical billing

Healthcare providers can also participate in insurance fraud. They might bill for services you never received, overstate the cost of services or even diagnose you with conditions you do not have to justify unnecessary treatments and tests, all to receive higher payouts from the insurance company.

Life insurance and faked deaths

Though it sounds like something out of a movie, there have been instances where individuals fake their own death to collect life insurance money. Family members or beneficiaries then file a claim, believing the policyholder has passed away when in reality, they are hiding.

Property fraud

Property fraud involves intentionally damaging one’s property or reporting thefts that never occurred. For example, someone might claim their house got burglarized and report valuable items as stolen, even though the event never took place.

Insurance fraud poses significant challenges for the industry and honest policyholders alike. Always prioritize honesty and transparency in your insurance dealings. In the end, it protects not only your interests but also the larger community by ensuring that insurance remains accessible and affordable for all.
