Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law

80 Years Of Combined Trial Experience

Negligent Homicide Charges In Louisiana

A negligent homicide conviction has the power to change your and your family’s lives. Understanding your situation and mounting a strong defense is nothing less than critical.

With over 65 years of experience, Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law, staffs highly skilled and successful criminal defense attorneys. We represent clients charged with negligent homicide throughout Baton Rouge and offer free initial case consultations.

What Is Negligent Homicide?

In Louisiana, it is characterized by the death of a person due to another’s criminally negligent actions. According to state code, breaches of certain laws and regulations may serve as “presumptive evidence” of such negligence, potentially classifying the act as negligent homicide.

Although it may have been unintentional, negligent criminal conduct that kills another can lead to severe penalties.

Elements Of Negligent Homicide

The prosecution must prove several elements beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a conviction for negligent homicide:

  • Death of a person: Someone must have died.
  • Causation: The death must have been directly caused by the defendant’s actions.
  • Negligence: The defendant’s actions must be deemed criminally negligent, meaning they significantly deviated from how a reasonable person would act under similar circumstances.

Using various defense strategies, a criminal defense attorney can help navigate these charges to minimize the consequences.

Evidence Necessary To Be Charged

The evidence prosecutors need to formally charge someone with negligent homicide includes:

  • Statements from witnesses who observed the incident or can testify to the defendant’s behavior
  • Insights from professionals, such as accident reconstructionists or medical examiners, to establish causation and the extent of negligence
  • Any tangible evidence that can link the defendant’s actions to the death, such as the vehicle involved in a fatal car accident
  • Records, such as cell phone logs or surveillance footage

Working with a criminal defense lawyer can help cast doubt on the evidence presented.

Penalties For Negligent Homicide

The penalties for negligent homicide in Louisiana can be severe. If convicted, you may face imprisonment for up to five years, with or without hard labor and significant fines.

If the victim was under 10, the imprisonment term could be extended to not more than five years without the benefit of parole, probation or suspension of sentence.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one is facing charges of negligent homicide in Louisiana, call us at 225-377-4964 to schedule a free consultation and put more than six decades of defense experience on your side.