The Unwavering Defense You Need Against Rape Charges
Few allegations are more serious than rape. These offenses carry a harsh stigma along with severe potential penalties with a lifelong impact.
It’s critical to seek strong legal allies when you’re up against such formidable accusations. At Damico & Stockstill, Attorneys at Law, we can be your allies. Our defense attorneys handle rape charges throughout Baton Rouge. With 80 years of collective experience, they understand what goes into a successful sex crime defense. They handle these cases with the utmost discretion and determination.
Rape And Related Charges In Louisiana
Definition: Rape in Louisiana involves nonconsensual sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact. It can include various circumstances such as the use of violence, threat of force, incapacitation, or inability to consent due to age or mental incapacity.
The penalties for a rape conviction can include significant imprisonment, often with mandatory minimum sentences, and the possibility of a lifetime on the sex offender registry.
Attempted rape is charged when an individual takes substantial steps toward committing the act of rape but doesn’t complete the full offense. It’s a serious charge, with penalties that can include imprisonment.
The Vigorous Defense You Need To Face Down These Charges
Confronting rape charges is a challenging road, which is why you need a criminal defense lawyer with a wealth of experience handling these cases. You’ll find that here. We regularly represent those accused of rape, including college students. We work diligently to strategize the most effective angles for protecting our clients’ freedom, reputation and future. Our defense lawyers handle sexual assault cases of all kinds.
Take The First Step Toward A Strong Defense Today
If you’re facing rape charges, it’s critical to start building a strong defense as soon as possible. We offer the support and legal acumen you need during this challenging time. We’re prepared to fight for you, including at trial, if needed. Contact us now at 225-377-4964 for a free, confidential consultation and let’s start working toward overcoming this challenging legal hurdle.